
Nedan finner du en förteckning över ISO-standarder inom sensorisk analys uppdelad efter ämne. Standarderna hittar du här. Även Nordisk kommité för livsmedel (NMKL) har standardar för sensorisk analys, vilka du hittar här.


General guidance

Milk and milk products

  • ISO 707:2008 (IDF 50: 2008) Milk and milk products -- Guidance on sampling
  • ISO 22935-1:2009 (IDF 99-1: 2009) Milk and milk products -- Sensory analysis -- Part 1: General guidance for the recruitment, selection, training and monitoring of assessors
  • ISO 22935-2:2009 (IDF 99-2: 2009) Milk and milk products -- Sensory analysis -- Part 2: Recommended methods for sensory evaluation
  • ISO 22935-3:2009 (IDF 99-3: 2009) Milk and milk products -- Sensory analysis -- Part 3: Guidance on a method for evaluation of compliance with product specifications for sensory properties by scoring


  • ISO 3591:1977 Sensory analysis -- Apparatus -- Wine-tasting glass
  • ISO 16657:2006 Sensory analysis -- Apparatus -- Olive oil tasting glass


  • ISO 4121:2003 Sensory analysis -- Guidelines for the use of quantitative response scales
  • ISO 5492:2008 Sensory analysis -- Vocabulary
  • ISO 6668:2008 Green coffee -- Preparation of samples for use in sensory analysis
  • ISO 7304:1985 Durum wheat semolinas and alimentary pasta -- Estimation of cooking quality of spaghetti by sensory analysis
  • ISO 7304-2:2008 Alimentary pasta produced from durum wheat semolina -- Estimation of cooking quality by sensory analysis -- Part 2: Routine method
  • ISO 11035:1994 Sensory analysis -- Identification and selection of descriptors for establishing a sensory profile by a multidimensional approach
  • ISO 13302:2003 Sensory analysis -- Methods for assessing modifications to the flavour of foodstuffs due to packaging
  • ISO 22308:2005 Cork stoppers -- Sensory analysis
  • ISO 16779:2015 Sensory analysis -- Assessment (determination and verification) of the shelf life of foodstuffs